though it may look empty on its outside;
but you'll never know till you've experienced
and fully understand it.
from childhood till beyond
jacyie `huiiyii the princess.
05 decce `lovely twentie one.
loves to be loved.
"Love is patient. Love is kind.
It does not envy. It does not boast.
It is not proud. It is not rude.
It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrong doing.
It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres."
but you'll never know till you've experienced
and fully understand it.
P R O F I L E. *
from childhood till beyond
05 decce `lovely twentie one.
loves to be loved.
"Love is patient. Love is kind.
It does not envy. It does not boast.
It is not proud. It is not rude.
It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrong doing.
It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres."
Corinthians 13.
explore the wonders of its contents,
experience the abundance and
discover the plentitude.
-------------are like apples-----------
---------on trees.The best ones--------
------are at the top of the tree.------
------The boys dont want to reach------
----for the good ones because they-----
-r afraid of falling and getting hurt.-
--Instead, they get the rotten apples--
--from the ground that arent as good,--
--but easy.So the apples up top think--
--something wrong with them, when in---
--reality they're amazing. They just---
---have to wait for the right boy to---
-------come along, the one who's-------
-----------brave enough to-------------
-------------climb all-----------------
--------------the way------------------
-------------to the top----------------
------------of the tree.---------------
got this off a friend's testimonial.. heez.. thought it was pretty cool.. (:
Love is all about timing.
and i guess i cannot rebut but to say.. yes.. i totally agree.. it's all about time.. fate alone wouldn't work anything out..
i dun understand myself anymore.. i used to be really happy-go-lucky.. everything will always be over in a glimpse.. but this time.. i'm taking it pretty hard..
jealousy's taking over my original self.. it's weird to actually feel myself changed.. but i'm really feeling it.. pretty clearly.. ):
some random pictures.

the neoprints taken.
14dec. cat's return.

18dec. shaowei's birthday.

Sunshine after the rain.
according to yumin.. we met in the rain.. ^^
hence.. there shall always be sunshine after the rain.. i insist.. (:
we were all drenched the first time we met on the eleventh.. we found the right place but the person said there wasn't any event there.. it was raining.. though not that heavy.. but we were all pretty wet..
it was when the rain finally came to a stop when we had our first encounter.. it was the day you made me fall deep..
our planned encounter on the twenty-fifth was once again on a rainy day.. the rain was heavy early in the morning.. but then again.. when we finally see you.. the rain stopped..
your sincere thank you touched me greatly..
surprised to have met you on the very first day of the month.. twice on the escalator.. i'm really touched that you actually remember.. it was only twice that we had officially met.. and you could react fast enough to say hello.. something that i myself may not be able to do..
do you really call this fate? fate may bring you to know each other.. but are we really fated for each other? i totally doubt so..
i had loads and loads of blessings on my birthday.. and the greatest gift that i've received this year.. YOU.
and once again.. it's you after the rain..
but then again.. i'll have to say.. i was all the same happy to have my wonderful friends spending this day together with me.. (:
we bypassed each other less than a week later.. but i didn't have the courage to call out for you.. i lose my courage without yumin and rane around.. ):
though i didn't see you in the face.. but i was once again pretty sure it was you.. fate? i wonder..
and today.. you were finally online.. it had been pouring like crazy the day before that singapore was almost flooding.. and when it finally stopped.. YOU appear..
though we didn't talk much.. cos i didn't dare to.. i'm really glad you tried to reply.. amongst your tonnes of msn windows blinking.. your sincerity once again proves itself true..
i know you wouldn't see this at all.. but i shall jus let this be a message to you.. from the bottom of my heart..
i thank you for all the sincerity displayed.. and all the more.. allowing me to love.. i love to love and be loved.. (:
God has my life in planned, and i shall leave everything unto Him.

Happy birthday to ME.
Happy birthday to ME.
Happy birthday to ME~
Happy birthday to ME. (:
experience the abundance and
discover the plentitude.
Saturday, December 30 @ 20:02. *
-------------are like apples-----------
---------on trees.The best ones--------
------are at the top of the tree.------
------The boys dont want to reach------
----for the good ones because they-----
-r afraid of falling and getting hurt.-
--Instead, they get the rotten apples--
--from the ground that arent as good,--
--but easy.So the apples up top think--
--something wrong with them, when in---
--reality they're amazing. They just---
---have to wait for the right boy to---
-------come along, the one who's-------
-----------brave enough to-------------
-------------climb all-----------------
--------------the way------------------
-------------to the top----------------
------------of the tree.---------------
got this off a friend's testimonial.. heez.. thought it was pretty cool.. (:
with LOVE, jacyie.
Friday, December 29 @ 14:58. *
i seriously have to complain.. what kind of a lousy system did the school set up? it was a critical period.. okie.. not very critical.. but yes.. an important period of time for the whole bidding session.. and what can you expect for it to happen?
the server went down.. and it was down like almost the whole day.. okie.. that's beside the point.. the points we were given are like totally pathetic to even secure us our core modules.. what's more to say FIVE modules..
shouldn't the students sometimes be taught how to use the system instead? when you start of bidding.. why on earth do you have to give in like all the points you have.. and all the 'kiasu' souls out there plant in like all their points.. i wonder how they have all those points.. but.. yes.. KIASU. can't they slowly let the points accumulate? totally IGNORANT.
ARGH. anyway..
time really passes fast.. it's 3 days to the new year already.. and yes!
my FIRST resolution;
results were to disappointing that i'm totally determined to work really hard for the rest of my semesters in school.. dun wanna waste my parents' money and my precise time trying to get hold of a degree with lousy grades.. (:
i've still got pretty a lot to type.. but i've gotta go meet limYUMIN.. shall continue later.. BYEBYE.
the server went down.. and it was down like almost the whole day.. okie.. that's beside the point.. the points we were given are like totally pathetic to even secure us our core modules.. what's more to say FIVE modules..
shouldn't the students sometimes be taught how to use the system instead? when you start of bidding.. why on earth do you have to give in like all the points you have.. and all the 'kiasu' souls out there plant in like all their points.. i wonder how they have all those points.. but.. yes.. KIASU. can't they slowly let the points accumulate? totally IGNORANT.
ARGH. anyway..
time really passes fast.. it's 3 days to the new year already.. and yes!
results were to disappointing that i'm totally determined to work really hard for the rest of my semesters in school.. dun wanna waste my parents' money and my precise time trying to get hold of a degree with lousy grades.. (:
i've still got pretty a lot to type.. but i've gotta go meet limYUMIN.. shall continue later.. BYEBYE.
with LOVE, jacyie.
Monday, December 25 @ 23:57. *
i was panicking when i logged in blogger.. cos i have to be in time to wish karlyn..
heez.. i realised i'm a little slow.. when everyone's reading this post.. it would probably be well passed christmas.. but the LOVE is still in the air.. hope everyone enjoyed themselves greatly!
i was being a good lil' girl by spending this christmas with my family.. and i'm proud of myself.. i can't really remember when was the last time we had so much fun at home already.. not out squeezing and trying to make my way thru the humongous crowd at town.. it was all comfy and cooling sitting on the sofa at home.. enjoying nice cakes and hot tea.. (:
and soon.. in 5 days' time.. it'll be time for making resolutions for 2007.. how fast time flies.. one year is coming to an end already.. looking back at what you've done with your family, friends and everyone else.. it now becomes part of our memories..
happy and cheery things will stay forever.. while others fade away.. so it's probably best to make everything that happens happy ones.. so that they'll stay with us forever.. let the bad ones go.. thus we'll make our lives the most captivating, most blissful, most cheery and the most contented one.. ^^
though it's easier said than done.. but i'm working towards that.. EVERY OF MY FRIENDS.. please do so too! everyone is blessed! (:
someone is being missed.
heez.. i realised i'm a little slow.. when everyone's reading this post.. it would probably be well passed christmas.. but the LOVE is still in the air.. hope everyone enjoyed themselves greatly!
i was being a good lil' girl by spending this christmas with my family.. and i'm proud of myself.. i can't really remember when was the last time we had so much fun at home already.. not out squeezing and trying to make my way thru the humongous crowd at town.. it was all comfy and cooling sitting on the sofa at home.. enjoying nice cakes and hot tea.. (:
and soon.. in 5 days' time.. it'll be time for making resolutions for 2007.. how fast time flies.. one year is coming to an end already.. looking back at what you've done with your family, friends and everyone else.. it now becomes part of our memories..
happy and cheery things will stay forever.. while others fade away.. so it's probably best to make everything that happens happy ones.. so that they'll stay with us forever.. let the bad ones go.. thus we'll make our lives the most captivating, most blissful, most cheery and the most contented one.. ^^
though it's easier said than done.. but i'm working towards that.. EVERY OF MY FRIENDS.. please do so too! everyone is blessed! (:
someone is being missed.
with LOVE, jacyie.
Friday, December 22 @ 13:55. *
and i guess i cannot rebut but to say.. yes.. i totally agree.. it's all about time.. fate alone wouldn't work anything out..
i dun understand myself anymore.. i used to be really happy-go-lucky.. everything will always be over in a glimpse.. but this time.. i'm taking it pretty hard..
jealousy's taking over my original self.. it's weird to actually feel myself changed.. but i'm really feeling it.. pretty clearly.. ):
some random pictures.

with LOVE, jacyie.
Wednesday, December 20 @ 22:15. *
the neoprints taken.

18dec. shaowei's birthday.

according to yumin.. we met in the rain.. ^^
hence.. there shall always be sunshine after the rain.. i insist.. (:
we were all drenched the first time we met on the eleventh.. we found the right place but the person said there wasn't any event there.. it was raining.. though not that heavy.. but we were all pretty wet..
it was when the rain finally came to a stop when we had our first encounter.. it was the day you made me fall deep..
our planned encounter on the twenty-fifth was once again on a rainy day.. the rain was heavy early in the morning.. but then again.. when we finally see you.. the rain stopped..
your sincere thank you touched me greatly..
surprised to have met you on the very first day of the month.. twice on the escalator.. i'm really touched that you actually remember.. it was only twice that we had officially met.. and you could react fast enough to say hello.. something that i myself may not be able to do..
do you really call this fate? fate may bring you to know each other.. but are we really fated for each other? i totally doubt so..
i had loads and loads of blessings on my birthday.. and the greatest gift that i've received this year.. YOU.
and once again.. it's you after the rain..
but then again.. i'll have to say.. i was all the same happy to have my wonderful friends spending this day together with me.. (:
we bypassed each other less than a week later.. but i didn't have the courage to call out for you.. i lose my courage without yumin and rane around.. ):
though i didn't see you in the face.. but i was once again pretty sure it was you.. fate? i wonder..
and today.. you were finally online.. it had been pouring like crazy the day before that singapore was almost flooding.. and when it finally stopped.. YOU appear..
though we didn't talk much.. cos i didn't dare to.. i'm really glad you tried to reply.. amongst your tonnes of msn windows blinking.. your sincerity once again proves itself true..
i know you wouldn't see this at all.. but i shall jus let this be a message to you.. from the bottom of my heart..
i thank you for all the sincerity displayed.. and all the more.. allowing me to love.. i love to love and be loved.. (:
with LOVE, jacyie.
Saturday, December 16 @ 03:04. *
Quoted from somewhere.
"Yesterday, i was folding hearts with straws with my cousins. I was recalling, the incident that happened 2 years ago. A friend of mine was folding hearts using straws under the table during class. A few of us offered to help, because she seemed to be doing it for some good reason. Then we realised, she was doing it for her friend's sister. For what reason you may ask. That small girl, only at young age of 10 years old was trying to fold a bottle of hearts as present for her the boy he 'like'. I was shocked, stunned and very touched. I don't know what the boy would say when he opens the present, but it was me, i'll sure be touched.
Remember the last time you had a crush. Did you have the courage to walk up to him to confess, do you have even have the thought of folding a bottle of hearts for him as birthday present? That was truely a very sweet gesture, but would that boy appreciate it? I was really curious to know the answer.
How did the boy felt? Did he do something in return to thank her? Or are they together?
I truely admired her courage and determination to finish folding the hearts with our help. If it were me, i wouldn't even think of doing this. I know you have the same thoughts. Maybe we're all afraid of teasing, afraid of rejection. Before even thinking of buying the straws, the thought of being rejected already engulfed us.
Why not try it one day? Do something sweet to the person you love. Maybe something unexpectable will come in return."
"Yesterday, i was folding hearts with straws with my cousins. I was recalling, the incident that happened 2 years ago. A friend of mine was folding hearts using straws under the table during class. A few of us offered to help, because she seemed to be doing it for some good reason. Then we realised, she was doing it for her friend's sister. For what reason you may ask. That small girl, only at young age of 10 years old was trying to fold a bottle of hearts as present for her the boy he 'like'. I was shocked, stunned and very touched. I don't know what the boy would say when he opens the present, but it was me, i'll sure be touched.
Remember the last time you had a crush. Did you have the courage to walk up to him to confess, do you have even have the thought of folding a bottle of hearts for him as birthday present? That was truely a very sweet gesture, but would that boy appreciate it? I was really curious to know the answer.
How did the boy felt? Did he do something in return to thank her? Or are they together?
I truely admired her courage and determination to finish folding the hearts with our help. If it were me, i wouldn't even think of doing this. I know you have the same thoughts. Maybe we're all afraid of teasing, afraid of rejection. Before even thinking of buying the straws, the thought of being rejected already engulfed us.
Why not try it one day? Do something sweet to the person you love. Maybe something unexpectable will come in return."
with LOVE, jacyie.
Friday, December 15 @ 00:11. *
i really hate the feeling of separation.. spending five days out of seven hundred over days together.. i'll miss you like crazy.. take great care of yourself! i really hope one year will pass real fast.. then it'll be shopping sprees and hanging out together again.. (:
i'll never forget our wonderful and memorable experience on the 13th.. a little secret between me you and huien.. it'll be kept in me always..
sorry for making you cry just now.. but i couldn't control it.. i've been feeling this way since the moment i woke up.. you've noticed it too.. i'll really miss you.. please take great care of yourself! iloveyou.
and.. i'm pretty disappointed.. or maybe i should say.. VERY.
to the person whom i dunno if she will read my blog a not.. i'm really really disappointed..
you've changed.. totally changed.. you aren't who you are anymore.. you felt like a stranger to me.. you said you were busy.. you had a lot to do and complete.. but what do i hear.. you had lunch out with your group of friends.. she was here for a whole five days.. how many days did you even see her.. i felt my heart sore for her..
if you remembered those days.. how much you would be willing to sacrifice for her.. i'll say.. everything.. but now.. all i could say is.. i no longer know you.. it's getting hard to understand you already..
not that i'm not being unreasonable.. i know she understands your situation.. but i was really shocked to have heard you taking lunch at town.. maybe you had a reason behind it.. something that i dun know.. but all this really isn't what i have expected from you..
and yes.. my dear huien.. you've changed a lot too.. dun club too much.. polluted air's very bad for health.. heez..
sorry for not joining you jus now.. wasn't really in the mood.. and my eyes are all red and puffy from all the crying.. ):
cat's chocolates for us are with me.. faster meet me before i finish everything up.. =p
have fun in school while you can! see you soon! heez..
i'm counting down to new year's eve.. 16 days.
the saying goes.. 日有所失,夜有所夢.. but it never works for me.. finally.. i dreamt.. and i remembered.. and it's him.. (:
the day went all grinny for me.. SIXTEEN.
Build a dream and the dream will build you.
i'll never forget our wonderful and memorable experience on the 13th.. a little secret between me you and huien.. it'll be kept in me always..
sorry for making you cry just now.. but i couldn't control it.. i've been feeling this way since the moment i woke up.. you've noticed it too.. i'll really miss you.. please take great care of yourself! iloveyou.
and.. i'm pretty disappointed.. or maybe i should say.. VERY.
to the person whom i dunno if she will read my blog a not.. i'm really really disappointed..
you've changed.. totally changed.. you aren't who you are anymore.. you felt like a stranger to me.. you said you were busy.. you had a lot to do and complete.. but what do i hear.. you had lunch out with your group of friends.. she was here for a whole five days.. how many days did you even see her.. i felt my heart sore for her..
if you remembered those days.. how much you would be willing to sacrifice for her.. i'll say.. everything.. but now.. all i could say is.. i no longer know you.. it's getting hard to understand you already..
not that i'm not being unreasonable.. i know she understands your situation.. but i was really shocked to have heard you taking lunch at town.. maybe you had a reason behind it.. something that i dun know.. but all this really isn't what i have expected from you..
and yes.. my dear huien.. you've changed a lot too.. dun club too much.. polluted air's very bad for health.. heez..
sorry for not joining you jus now.. wasn't really in the mood.. and my eyes are all red and puffy from all the crying.. ):
cat's chocolates for us are with me.. faster meet me before i finish everything up.. =p
have fun in school while you can! see you soon! heez..
i'm counting down to new year's eve.. 16 days.
the saying goes.. 日有所失,夜有所夢.. but it never works for me.. finally.. i dreamt.. and i remembered.. and it's him.. (:
the day went all grinny for me.. SIXTEEN.
with LOVE, jacyie.
Monday, December 11 @ 23:45. *
i'm seriously losing my memory on things.. can't really recall what have i done for the past week..
it was the ABC concert with mayday on the 6th.. having the chance to enter the stadium via the VIP lounge was a cool experience for the four of us that day.. it's the place where artist enters when there's the red carpet event held there.. and we took pictures in the toilet.. though we looked totally out of place in the lounge.. we did enjoy ourselves.. (:

the concert was awesome.. the first one third of the concert was boring.. cos it was jus this old man singing.. which we didn't have any idea who he was and what he was singing about.. but i bet the auntie in front of us was mesmerized by him.. haha..
ping guan's songs are nice and the best part was definitely MAYDAY's! (:
high until cannot.. and i ran 3/4 the stadium.. pretty fast.. i'm proud of myself.. haha.. i'm not that old afterall.. =x
7th was a visit to my beloved poly to catch milk in action.. his dance isn't as well as before.. but then.. he was still cool.. i love watching guys dance.. they are jus so cool.. foreign bodies was good too.. though the previous batch was better.. but then again.. well done! (:
met up with huien and we've finally had a good chat.. it's been so long.. headed for dinner at toa payoh's crystal jade.. contented.. heez..
went window shopping at vivocity on friday with yumin.. my continuous 4th day out with limYUMIN.. (:
there's so much things i wanna get.. but i'm so short of money.. how i wished i'm born in a rich family.. tops skirts jeans shoes bags.. so much stuff to buy.. OH! it wasn't window shopping.. i bought a pair of shoes.. now that i remembered.. heez..
wow.. actually my holidays have been pretty hectic.. it's all about meeting up with friends and hanging out..
was supposedly a class gathering on saturday with money rane and the bunch of guys.. but it seems like a pretty failure.. but anyway.. three of us did have a fun time out on our own though.. all the bitch-ing gossiping and crapping.. it was fun.. other than the food.. everything was great..
and yes.. a gentle reminder for everyone out there.. please do not.. and i mean DO NOT visit the hongkong cafe if you venture for good and tasty food.. it's totally not worth the wait.. and definitely not worth the money.. besides.. the environment feels totally.... HAWKER.
other than that.. saturday was a nice get together for the three of us.. we'll meet up real soon for another session again! (:
and.. thanks rane for the cute bear.. FOREVER FRIENDS. iloveyou.
sunday was another meeting up session with friends.. met up with qingyao lowde and ivan.. and er.. my apologies for being almost an hour and a half late.. =x
hanged around at vivocity and harborfront.. i guess it's jus pretty weird to go for a shopping trip with a bunch of guys.. they are simply bored by us i supposed.. anyway.. thanks for the belated presents.. thanks a lot.. (:

left for hyatt to wait for cat.. she's finally back after two years.. (: so happy to have seen her again.. she looked pretty surprised to have seen me and huien already waiting there when she reached the hotel.. heez.. she hasn't changed a bit anyway.. still as cute and pretty as before.. ^^

had dinner at mos burger while waiting for our mummy to complete her project.. and our ahgong to come join us.. walked around town.. and chatted.. went newton circus for supper.. which had lead to cat's food poisoning today.. =x
hope she's getting better.. looking forward to more shopping trips tomorrow!
Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are
something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
it will be exactly one week tomorrow.. i hope he is doing real fine and well.. though i have no idea how he is doing.. and there's practically no way to find out.. all i could do is to wish hope and believe.. i'll see him soon.. ^^
When the world says, "Give up."
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
it was the ABC concert with mayday on the 6th.. having the chance to enter the stadium via the VIP lounge was a cool experience for the four of us that day.. it's the place where artist enters when there's the red carpet event held there.. and we took pictures in the toilet.. though we looked totally out of place in the lounge.. we did enjoy ourselves.. (:

the concert was awesome.. the first one third of the concert was boring.. cos it was jus this old man singing.. which we didn't have any idea who he was and what he was singing about.. but i bet the auntie in front of us was mesmerized by him.. haha..
ping guan's songs are nice and the best part was definitely MAYDAY's! (:
high until cannot.. and i ran 3/4 the stadium.. pretty fast.. i'm proud of myself.. haha.. i'm not that old afterall.. =x
7th was a visit to my beloved poly to catch milk in action.. his dance isn't as well as before.. but then.. he was still cool.. i love watching guys dance.. they are jus so cool.. foreign bodies was good too.. though the previous batch was better.. but then again.. well done! (:
met up with huien and we've finally had a good chat.. it's been so long.. headed for dinner at toa payoh's crystal jade.. contented.. heez..
went window shopping at vivocity on friday with yumin.. my continuous 4th day out with limYUMIN.. (:
there's so much things i wanna get.. but i'm so short of money.. how i wished i'm born in a rich family.. tops skirts jeans shoes bags.. so much stuff to buy.. OH! it wasn't window shopping.. i bought a pair of shoes.. now that i remembered.. heez..
wow.. actually my holidays have been pretty hectic.. it's all about meeting up with friends and hanging out..
was supposedly a class gathering on saturday with money rane and the bunch of guys.. but it seems like a pretty failure.. but anyway.. three of us did have a fun time out on our own though.. all the bitch-ing gossiping and crapping.. it was fun.. other than the food.. everything was great..
and yes.. a gentle reminder for everyone out there.. please do not.. and i mean DO NOT visit the hongkong cafe if you venture for good and tasty food.. it's totally not worth the wait.. and definitely not worth the money.. besides.. the environment feels totally.... HAWKER.
other than that.. saturday was a nice get together for the three of us.. we'll meet up real soon for another session again! (:
and.. thanks rane for the cute bear.. FOREVER FRIENDS. iloveyou.
sunday was another meeting up session with friends.. met up with qingyao lowde and ivan.. and er.. my apologies for being almost an hour and a half late.. =x
hanged around at vivocity and harborfront.. i guess it's jus pretty weird to go for a shopping trip with a bunch of guys.. they are simply bored by us i supposed.. anyway.. thanks for the belated presents.. thanks a lot.. (:

left for hyatt to wait for cat.. she's finally back after two years.. (: so happy to have seen her again.. she looked pretty surprised to have seen me and huien already waiting there when she reached the hotel.. heez.. she hasn't changed a bit anyway.. still as cute and pretty as before.. ^^

had dinner at mos burger while waiting for our mummy to complete her project.. and our ahgong to come join us.. walked around town.. and chatted.. went newton circus for supper.. which had lead to cat's food poisoning today.. =x
hope she's getting better.. looking forward to more shopping trips tomorrow!
something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
it will be exactly one week tomorrow.. i hope he is doing real fine and well.. though i have no idea how he is doing.. and there's practically no way to find out.. all i could do is to wish hope and believe.. i'll see him soon.. ^^
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
with LOVE, jacyie.
Wednesday, December 6 @ 02:11. *
i think fate is jus such an amazing thing.. it's so amazing that i could no longer believe it myself.. december is jus a super nice month.. i so love DECEMBER. (:
Ask not what tomorrow may bring,
but count as blessing every day that fate allows you.
though i really hoped that i'll see him on this very day.. but i never expected to see him.. he was amidst the crowd when i had the feeling it was him.. i never had a look at exactly who he was.. but i was pretty certain it was him.. i didn't know why i blurted his name out loud either.. probably jus too surprised to have seen him.. it was jus few days ago..
Where there is great love, there are always miracles.
i think it's so amazing yet scary.. i'll continue to fall deeper if this continues.. but i guess.. i'm getting too used to having him in my life already.. by the way.. HE DANCES. ^^
thanks to the six of you girls for a wonderful day yesterday.. thanks for all the effort and hardwork in planning everything jus to make my birthday such a memorable one.. (:
dinner at sun with moon was heavenly.. i so love the desserts there.. though it wasn't my first time there.. heez.. we didn't do much after that.. but i was happy we took a walk down to plaza singapura..
and i still can't help it but say.. how amazing our fate is.. we spent some time hanging around in isetan before we headed down orchard.. the timing is jus so coincidental.. besides.. he walked the wrong direction.. which is like.. so super.. AMAZING. (sorry for my lack of vocab.)
anyway.. he was once again so sincere and nice.. he stood there for uber long.. entertaining us.. though most of us were busy entertaining ourselves.. guessed he felt super weird.. but he did not initiate to leave.. he remembers our names i'm surprised.. and he asked for jiaxin's name too.. he's jus so nice.. (:
how i wished we were more than what we are now.. but then again.. i'm really contented with whatever we are presently.. it was afterall better than being total strangers.. we'll continue to progress i hope.. ^^
i shall let the photo continue with what i have left to say.. and yes.. thanks naima for the sparkles that we almost forgot till the very very end.. and now.. we are pretty scared of sirens from fire engines especially.. hahahaha..

at sun with moon.. my fave hangout for nice desserts always.. (:

the o'so natural scandals vs the trying to act scandalous scandals.. =x

outside lido.. reminds me of 1st december.. ^^

THANKS EVERYONE. and all those who had wished me.. like rane huien xuehua serene money eric edward bernard zihao and many many more.. THANK YOU.
but count as blessing every day that fate allows you.
though i really hoped that i'll see him on this very day.. but i never expected to see him.. he was amidst the crowd when i had the feeling it was him.. i never had a look at exactly who he was.. but i was pretty certain it was him.. i didn't know why i blurted his name out loud either.. probably jus too surprised to have seen him.. it was jus few days ago..
i think it's so amazing yet scary.. i'll continue to fall deeper if this continues.. but i guess.. i'm getting too used to having him in my life already.. by the way.. HE DANCES. ^^
thanks to the six of you girls for a wonderful day yesterday.. thanks for all the effort and hardwork in planning everything jus to make my birthday such a memorable one.. (:
dinner at sun with moon was heavenly.. i so love the desserts there.. though it wasn't my first time there.. heez.. we didn't do much after that.. but i was happy we took a walk down to plaza singapura..
and i still can't help it but say.. how amazing our fate is.. we spent some time hanging around in isetan before we headed down orchard.. the timing is jus so coincidental.. besides.. he walked the wrong direction.. which is like.. so super.. AMAZING. (sorry for my lack of vocab.)
anyway.. he was once again so sincere and nice.. he stood there for uber long.. entertaining us.. though most of us were busy entertaining ourselves.. guessed he felt super weird.. but he did not initiate to leave.. he remembers our names i'm surprised.. and he asked for jiaxin's name too.. he's jus so nice.. (:
how i wished we were more than what we are now.. but then again.. i'm really contented with whatever we are presently.. it was afterall better than being total strangers.. we'll continue to progress i hope.. ^^
i shall let the photo continue with what i have left to say.. and yes.. thanks naima for the sparkles that we almost forgot till the very very end.. and now.. we are pretty scared of sirens from fire engines especially.. hahahaha..

at sun with moon.. my fave hangout for nice desserts always.. (:

the o'so natural scandals vs the trying to act scandalous scandals.. =x

outside lido.. reminds me of 1st december.. ^^

THANKS EVERYONE. and all those who had wished me.. like rane huien xuehua serene money eric edward bernard zihao and many many more.. THANK YOU.
with LOVE, jacyie.
Tuesday, December 5 @ 00:00. *

Happy birthday to ME.
Happy birthday to ME.
Happy birthday to ME~
Happy birthday to ME. (:
with LOVE, jacyie.
Saturday, December 2 @ 18:31. *
yesterday marks the end of most of our first semester in school.. everything happened too quickly that i couldn't recall every of them..
school began with the uber lousy bidding system of CORS.. then it was first day of the week when rane got lost in school.. then it was just a whole lot of making new and nice friends.. together with lessons.. tests and assignments.. before the whole three months was over with the examinations.. time really flies..
it was a routine for me and rane to hold our little way of celebration at the end of every little thing that we think it's worth celebrating.. like the END of a semester.. (:
it was a whole lot of activities planned from movies to karaoke-ing to breakfast.. and i'll probably mark 1st December on my calendar.. for it was a lucky and fun day.. we had fun though uber tiring.. i love spending time with rane.. and i mean it.. (:
What we anticipate seldom occurs,
what we least expected generally happens.
yes.. though missing him has become part of my life.. i've never thought i would even meet him on the streets.. and probably that's what you call FATE..
and seriously.. i'm happy that he actually remembers us.. it's like.. yes.. SINCERITY.. i've never doubted his sincerity.. he's just such a fine and nice guy.. ^^
step up is a nice show.. though i'm a little slow.. guessed the whole world would have already watched it.. but school EQUALS no life.. so it can't be helped.. i dun mind watching it a thousand times over again.. (:
i've still got a whole list of shows to watch.. but most of them aren't in the cinemas yet though.. can't be bothered to catch up with the past shows already.. shall anticipate the up-coming ones instead.. ^^
i guess holidays would be over in a swift.. it's just 5 weeks with lots of things to be done..
1st - i dunno when of december;
declaration of major and module preferences.
26th - 27th december;
examinations results' release.
26th - i dunno when again of decemeber;
CORS bidding of modules.
i've still got a lot of other things to do.. ):
All our dreams can come true -
if we have the courage to pursue them.
so i'll have to say.. my dreams will never come true 'cause i lacked the courage to make them so..
school began with the uber lousy bidding system of CORS.. then it was first day of the week when rane got lost in school.. then it was just a whole lot of making new and nice friends.. together with lessons.. tests and assignments.. before the whole three months was over with the examinations.. time really flies..
it was a routine for me and rane to hold our little way of celebration at the end of every little thing that we think it's worth celebrating.. like the END of a semester.. (:
it was a whole lot of activities planned from movies to karaoke-ing to breakfast.. and i'll probably mark 1st December on my calendar.. for it was a lucky and fun day.. we had fun though uber tiring.. i love spending time with rane.. and i mean it.. (:
what we least expected generally happens.
yes.. though missing him has become part of my life.. i've never thought i would even meet him on the streets.. and probably that's what you call FATE..
and seriously.. i'm happy that he actually remembers us.. it's like.. yes.. SINCERITY.. i've never doubted his sincerity.. he's just such a fine and nice guy.. ^^
step up is a nice show.. though i'm a little slow.. guessed the whole world would have already watched it.. but school EQUALS no life.. so it can't be helped.. i dun mind watching it a thousand times over again.. (:
i've still got a whole list of shows to watch.. but most of them aren't in the cinemas yet though.. can't be bothered to catch up with the past shows already.. shall anticipate the up-coming ones instead.. ^^
i guess holidays would be over in a swift.. it's just 5 weeks with lots of things to be done..
1st - i dunno when of december;
declaration of major and module preferences.
26th - 27th december;
examinations results' release.
26th - i dunno when again of decemeber;
CORS bidding of modules.
i've still got a lot of other things to do.. ):
if we have the courage to pursue them.
so i'll have to say.. my dreams will never come true 'cause i lacked the courage to make them so..
with LOVE, jacyie.
it may be too short
for everyone to understand the fullness of it all;
but the period is worth the effort.
for everyone to understand the fullness of it all;
but the period is worth the effort.
T A G B O A R D. *
embrace in the past,
treasure the present and
anticipate the future.
press ctrl + left click
albert alex amy ashton
elizabeth eugene fanqiecun* huien huiqi
iona jennifer jiawei jiaxin joanna karlyn
keegan lisa lixin melissa money pamela
rebecca sammie serene shuhui weesiang
xuehua yonghui yu'e yumin zabird zijun
November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 April 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009
designer DancingSheep
treasure the present and
anticipate the future.
L I N K S. *
press ctrl + left click
albert alex amy ashton
elizabeth eugene fanqiecun* huien huiqi
iona jennifer jiawei jiaxin joanna karlyn
keegan lisa lixin melissa money pamela
rebecca sammie serene shuhui weesiang
xuehua yonghui yu'e yumin zabird zijun
A R C H I V E S. *
November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 April 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009
C R E D I T S. *
designer DancingSheep
with great LOVE,
bindings are STRONG and
feelings BLOSSOM lushly.
enjoy every moment
bindings are STRONG and
feelings BLOSSOM lushly.
M I S C E L L A N O U S. *
enjoy every moment
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